We have a new name! Browserbear is now Roborabbit

Scrape Real Estate Data via API

Use Roborabbit to create an automated task and run the task via API / Webhooks

Free Trial — No Credit Card Required

Real Estate Data

Use Roborabbit to easily capture the real estate data that you need including property name, address, geolocation, pricing, photos and more.

Every task created with Roborabbit comes with its own API allowing you to trigger tasks programmatically and collect data via webhooks or custom JSON feeds that you can tailor to your needs.

Set up an automated task to get the data you need, free trial no credit card required.

Learn More
    "price": 484000,
    "sqft": 806,
    "street_address": "271 Alaina Tunnel",
    "zip_code": "64026-8254",
    "state": "Illinois",
    "latitude": -52.712683318774864,
    "longitude": 46.292064587079636
    "price": 313000,
    "sqft": 979,
    "street_address": "6673 Powlowski Union",
    "zip_code": "54569",
    "state": "Kansas",
    "latitude": 58.77898970193897,
    "longitude": -164.82535048813105
    "price": 56000,
    "sqft": 851,
    "street_address": "936 Purdy Ramp",
    "zip_code": "68513",
    "state": "Minnesota",
    "latitude": 87.44912886521868,
    "longitude": 3.9625550980408377

The Ultimate Guide to Web Scraping for Beginners: 10 Tips for Efficient Data Extraction

In this article, we'll cover the basics of web scraping and share tips to help you improve your data extraction process. No matter if you're just starting or looking to improve your web scraping skills, you'll find practical tips to make your web scraping more efficient.

How to Use Puppeteer in AWS Lambda for Web Scraping via Serverless

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How to Scrape Lists of URLs from a Web Page Using Roborabbit

Discover how to efficiently scrape URLs from websites for analyzing a site's linking structure, uncovering potential backlink opportunities, validating links, etc. using Roborabbit in this article.

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