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How to Build a Personal Job Listings Aggregator (No Code)

Save time looking for relevant job listings by automating the search process and bringing options to you! Here's how to automate an aggregator with no code.
by Julianne Youngberg · · Updated


    We can all collectively agree that job hunting is an draining experience. Having to update your resume and portfolio, gather references, look for relevant roles, write cover letters, and apply to dozens of listings can be exhausting. And we haven’t even gotten to the process of interviewing, completing test projects, and working out the logistics of a potential match!

    One way to make the job search easier is by making the relevant listings come to you. Instead of having to search for roles that meet your requirements, you can store curated options in a database to be viewed at your convenience.

    In this article, we’ll be using nocode apps to build a personal job listings aggregator that essentially performs a search on the job board of your choice, applies any relevant filters, then captures the details of relevant roles to be conveniently accessed. Let’s get started!

    What You Will Create

    Curated job listings can be used to auto-update channels, niche job boards, or email newsletters. But before that can happen, they need to be scraped and compiled into a database. We will be setting up an automation that performs a search on a job site, applies a few relevant filters, scrapes the most recent results, then deposits them into a database where they can be stored.

    The tools you will be using are:

    • Airtable : To store job listing details
    • Browserbear : To create a browser automation that scrapes job details online
    • Zapier : To trigger actions in different programs based on pre-specified commands

    By the end of the tutorial, you should have a database that auto-updates with current job listings that you can then use for a more comprehensive workflow.

    Screenshot of Airtable this week's jobs view with sample data

    Let’s set up an Airtable base, a few Browserbear tasks, and a series of zaps to make it all come together.

    Build Airtable Base to Store Job Listing Details

    An Airtable base will store job listing URLs and other details after a scraping run is completed on Browserbear. We will use a single table with two views and a handful of formulas to organize it all.

    Log into Airtable and create a new base. Add fields for all the job listing details you’ll be scraping. We’ll be using the following:

    • Job Title
    • Job File Path (as URL)
    • Job URL (as Formula: "https://weworkremotely.com"&{Job File Path})
    • Company
    • Posted on
    • Posted (as Formula: IF({Posted on},DATETIME_FORMAT(CONCATENATE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE({Posted on}, "Posted", ' ')," on ",""),", 2023"),'M/D/YYYY'),""))
    • Job Description
    • Days from Posting (as Formula: IF(Posted,DATETIME_DIFF(TODAY(),Posted,'days'),""))
    • Posted This Week (as Formula: IF({Days from Posting},IF({Days from Posting} < 7,"Yes","No"),""))

    All fields with unspecified field types are single-line text types and will be used to receive incoming data from Browserbear.

    Hide any non-essential fields. Your full table will look something like this when populated with sample data:

    Screenshot of Airtable all jobs view with sample data

    Now, let’s set up a way to filter only for job listings posted in the past week. Click the + symbol next to Grid on the left sidebar to create a new view.

    Name it, then add a filter: Where Posted This Week is Yes.

    Screenshot of Airtable this week's jobs filter

    This view should now only show recent listings.

    Note : These fields and formulas were selected to be used with We Work Remotely and the way the site is set up. Keep in mind that you might need to make adjustments when creating a listing aggregator for other sites.

    Log into your Browserbear account (or create a free trial account if you don’t have one—no credit card required! 🎉). Go to the Tasks tab, then click Create a Task.

    Name the task, then click Save.

    Screenshot of Browserbear new task setup

    You’ll now be on a task page where you can add steps, run your automation, and view completed runs.

    Click Add Step and set up the following actions:

    Step 1: Go

    This step will instruct Browserbear to go to the destination site and wait until it’s loaded.

    Choose go as the action and insert a URL. We will use https://weworkremotely.com/remote-jobs/search/.

    Select networkidle as the wait instructions.

    Screenshot of Browserbear go action setup

    Click Save.

    Step 2. Click

    The next few click actions will filter job listings to fit your requirements. We’ll sort for Full-Stack Programming listings created in the past week.

    Choose click as the action and insert the config for the Sort By filter button acquired with the Browserbear Helper Chrome extension.

    Screenshot of Browserbear click action setup

    Follow the instructions in our article A Nocoder’s Guide to the Browserbear Helper (Element Selection) if you need help using the tool.

    Screenshot of Browserbear Helper outline on sort by filter button

    Click Save.

    Step 3. Click

    Choose click as the action and insert the config for the Past Week option under the Sort By filter.

    Screenshot of Browserbear Helper outline on past week filter

    Click Save.

    Bear Tip 🐻: If the site results are loading too quickly for you to copy the config, use the Chrome DevTools to throttle network speeds.

    Step 3. Wait

    When a filter is applied, the site needs a few seconds to load the applicable listings. We’ll use an action to allow it some time before proceeding with the next step.

    Choose wait as the action and insert 2-3 seconds as the wait time.

    Screenshot of Browserbear wait action setup

    Click Save.

    Step 4. Click

    Choose click as the action and insert the config for the Job Categories filter button.

    Screenshot of Browserbear Helper outline on job categories filter button

    Click Save.

    Step 5. Click

    Choose click as the action and insert the config for the Full-Stack Programming option under the Job Categories filter.

    Screenshot of Browserbear Helper outline on full-stack programming filter

    Click Save.

    Step 6. Wait

    Choose wait as the action and insert 2-3 seconds as the wait time.

    Screenshot of Browserbear wait action setup

    Click Save.

    Step 7. Save Structured Data

    This step will save the job title and file path to the full listing, making it easy for you to scrape each of these pages individually later on.

    Choose save_structured_data as the action and insert the config for parent containers in the Helper section.

    Screenshot of Browserbear save structured data action setup

    You can then define each individual HTML element and set it up using the Data Picker.

    Click Save. The full task should look something like this:

    Return to your task page, then click Run Task to test your automation and make sure Browserbear is able to scrape job titles and file paths from the site.

    Bear Tip 🐻: If you are encountering blocking issues by sites with bot protection, try using the Randomize User Agent, Randomize Fingerprint, or Proxy features.

    Create a Browserbear Task to Scrape Listing Details

    While still logged into your Browserbear account, create a new task and set up the following actions:

    Step 1. Go

    Choose go as the action and insert the URL of an individual job listing. We will override this link using Zapier later on to apply the same scraping formula to dozens of webpages.

    Select networkidle as the wait instructions.

    Screenshot of Browserbear go action setup

    Click Save.

    Step 2. Save Structured Data

    This step will save the details needed from each listing—you simply need to use the data picker to decide which HTML elements you want scraped.

    Choose save_structured_data as the action and insert the config for parent containers in the Helper section.

    Screenshot of Browserbear save structured data action setup

    Add each individual element using the Data Picker, taking care to specify the type of data you need scraped (text, link, image, etc.).

    Click Save. The full task should look something like this:

    Return to your task page, then click Run Task to test your automation. Upon checking the log, you should be able to see all the details you selected from the listing.

    Your Browserbear tasks are now ready—now we set up a series of zaps to send data between programs.

    The first zap will instruct Browserbear to run your link scraping task on a schedule.

    Log into your Zapier account, click + Create Zap , and set up the following events:

    Trigger: Every Week in Schedule by Zapier

    Choose Schedule by Zapier as the app and Every Week as the event.

    Specify the frequency at which you would like your automation to run. In this example, we will be using weekly.

    Screenshot of Zapier every week in schedule trigger setup

    Test the trigger, then continue.

    Action: Create Run in Browserbear

    Choose Browserbear as the app and Create Run as the event. You’ll need to connect your Browserbear account using your API key.

    Select your link scraping task.

    Screenshot of Zapier Browserbear create run action setup

    Test the action, then save your zap.

    This zap will trigger when a run is completed in Browserbear, sending the output to your Airtable base.

    Click + Create Zap , and set up the following events:

    Trigger: Run Finished in Browserbear

    Choose Browserbear as the app and Run Finished as the event. Your account should already be connected, so proceed to select the URL scraping task.

    Screenshot of Zapier Browserbear run finished trigger setup

    Test the trigger, then continue.

    Action: Create Records (With Line Item Support) in Airtable

    Choose Airtable as the app and Create Records (With Line Item Support) as the event. If you haven’t connected your account yet, do so using the API key found on your Account page.

    Set up the action by choosing the base and table you created, then mapping the job title and file path outputs to their associated Airtable fields.

    Screenshot of Zapier Airtable create records with line item support action setup

    Test the action to ensure records are successfully created.

    You should notice the Job URL field populating itself with links created from the file paths being deposited into the newly created records.

    Screenshot of Airtable record populated with file path and URL fields

    This zap will take the links from the previous scraping step and visit them individually, scraping the details you specified with the data picker.

    Click + Create Zap , and set up the following events:

    Trigger: New Record in Airtable

    Choose Airtable as the app and New Record as the event. Select the associated base and table.

    Screenshot of Zapier Airtable new record trigger setup

    Test the trigger, then continue.

    Action: Create Run in Browserbear

    Choose Browserbear as the app and Create Run as the event.

    Set up the action by choosing your listing scraping task, then inserting the dynamic job URL data source into the Step 1 / Go field and the record ID into the Metadata field.

    Screenshot of Zapier Browserbear create run action setup

    Test the action to ensure job details are accurately scraped.

    Set up a Zap to Save Job Details to Airtable

    This zap will send scraped job details to be stored in your Airtable base when a task run is completed.

    Click + Create Zap , and set up the following events:

    Trigger: Run Finished in Browserbear

    Choose Browserbear as the app and Run Finished as the event. Select your job detail scraping task.

    Screenshot of Zapier Browserbear run finished trigger setup

    Test the trigger, then continue.

    Action: Update Record in Airtable

    Choose Airtable as the app and Update Record as the event.

    Set up the action by selecting the correct base and table, then identifying the record using the metadata saved with the task run. Map the scraped job details to their corresponding Airtable fields.

    Screenshot of Zapier Airtable update record action setup

    Test the action. You should see the fields of your test record populating itself, including the formula fields that identify the listings posted in the last week.

    Screenshot of Airtable record with formula fields populated and outlined in red

    Your final database view for recently posted job listings should look something like this:

    Screenshot of Airtable this week's jobs view with sample data

    Easy to view, easy to use and integrate into a more comprehensive workflow!

    Automate Scraping Job Listings

    Browsing through dozens of jobs just to find the few that fit your conditions is time-consuming. Fortunately, you can use a browser automation tool to sift through everything for you. Make the task as simple or as complex as you want—you can always add more filters to get more accurate results.

    Some ways you can use your scraped listings are:

    • Send a roundup in an email newsletter every week
    • Create a niche job board
    • Update a Discord channel with new listings

    There are so many possibilities that just require you adding onto this workflow and making it suit your needs.

    About the authorJulianne Youngberg@paradoxicaljul
    Julianne is a technical content specialist fascinated with digital tools and how they can optimize our lives. She enjoys bridging product-user gaps using the power of words.

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    How to Build a Personal Job Listings Aggregator (No Code)
    How to Build a Personal Job Listings Aggregator (No Code)